European Projects

SUSTAINS – Support USers To Access INformation and Services



    The project SUSTAINS (Support USers To Access INformation and Services, 297206) is of type CIP-PSP-ICT, officially started at 01/01/2012 and will last 36 months.

    In the SUSTAINS project participate 16 partners from 11 European countries (Greece, Sweden, Spain, Italy, UK, Luxembourg, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Slovenia, Estonia). From Greece, apart from e-Trikala SA also participates the 5th Health District of Thessaly and Sterea Ellada (5th DYPE).


    The scope of the project is to provide two main packages of services to users, administrative and clinical. For all services the users will be able to remotely connect to their personal Electronic Health Record and proceed to a series of activities, without visiting any Hospital or Institution. Indicatively, they will have the ability to make appointments for medical examinations, modify their personal contact data, have partial access on medical insurance data, print their examination results from their own home and make questions to medical experts and/or nurses via their medical health record.

    Visit SUSTAINS website

    “The SUSTAINS project is partially funded under the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme by the European Community” (link to the ICT PSP website:

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