European Projects




    SmartCare is one of the most ambitious projects of EU. Its duration is three years and is co-funded by EU through the Policy Support Programs (PSP) – Pilot A. In total participate 44 organizations from 17 countries which will cover the conduction of large scale pilot applications in local, national and European level.

    The main target of the project is to develop integrated care services in elderly citizens, so as to support their independent and safe living throughout the usage of innovative technological solutions from the pilot in Regions and Municipalities. The results to emerge are expected to be used in national and European level, so as to upgrade the existing services.

    From Greece, participate the Municipalities of Palaio Faliro, Alimos, Agios Dimitrios and the Development Enterprise of Trikala Municipality, “e-Trikala SA”. E-Trikala was granted to participate by the Ministry of Administrative Reform and e-Government. It is expected to provide its expertise and further disseminate the evaluated project’s results.


    Apart from Greece, participate local and regional organizations from 24 regions of Europe and Research Institutes, EU Health Organizations and Patient Associations. The other countries are Italy (coordinator), Austria, Denmark, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Croatia, Estonia, Spain, Finland, Portugal, Sweden, the Republic of Serbia, France and UK (Northern Ireland and Scotland).
    In practice, the project will develop and integrate existing care infrastructure and technologies for the independent living of patients and elderly in their homes (home platforms), providing to them:

    Monitoring of the physical, environmental and behavioral attitude,
    Several functions of self-treatment,
    Management of the medical treatment,
    Prevention of falling and accidents,
    Empowerment of cognitive functions.
    The specific platforms will be open to Health and Social Care Services, upgrading the ability of elderly to manage their chronic diseases and in particular Diabetes and learning to live independently in their own environment.

    Visit Smart Care website

    “The SmartCare project is partially funded under the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme by the European Community” (link to the ICT PSP website:

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