European Projects




    e-Trikala SA participates in the European project SABER(Satellite Broadband for European Regions, 325132) which is of type CIP-Thematic Network, officially started at 01/11/2012, and will last 24 months.
    The DAE has an objective to bring basic broadband to all Europeans by 2013 and by 2020 for all Europeans to have access to above 30Mbps with 50% or more of European households subscribing to internet connections above 100Mbps. Objective 5.3 of the ICT PSP Work Programme proposes that satellite communications represent a possible solution.

    SABER Thematic Network will bring together national and regional authorities, to analyse the experience of regions which have used satellite solutions to develop guidelines for deployment, share best practices and disseminate information to regions across Europe. SABER is comprised of a triple helix of 26 partners including regional economic development organisations, intermediaries working with regions and leading European companies that operate across the entire satellite broadband value chain. SABER will work with regions in 3 streams to accommodate regions at different stages of readiness to explore satellite solutions.


    Regions in need across Europe will have available to them a common approach towards large-scale deployment of satellite solutions supporting the objective of 100% EU broadband coverage. These regions will have available to them guidelines and toolkits to support them in their endeavour to address their broadband needs, both now and into the future, through effective public sector intervention. These guidelines and toolkits will take into account satellite developments that are taking place and which could have a positive impact on the achievement of the DAE 2020 objectives.

    All SABER outputs will be widely disseminated and made available to regions and stakeholders across Europe using an information repository and a programme of round-tables, workshops and a conference. Beyond the lifetime of the project the partners will continue to maintain the information repository using their extensive networks to continue to disseminate the findings.

    Visit SABER website

    “The SABER project is partially funded under the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme by the European Community” (link to the ICT PSP website:

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