European Projects


    Smart cities need to ensure a secure and safe physical and digital ecosystem for the well-being of EU citizens. The EU-funded S4AllCities project aims to make cities’ infrastructures, services, ICT systems and Internet of Things more resilient while promoting intelligence and information sharing amongst security stakeholders. To achieve this, it will integrate advanced technological and organisational solutions into a market-oriented, unified cyber–physical security management framework. The system will focus on risk-based open smart spaces security management, cybersecurity shielding, suspicious activity, behaviour tracking, the identification of unattended objects, the real-time estimation of cyber–physical risks in multiple locations and measures activation for effective crisis management. This work will play a role in promoting good safety and security practices in European cities.

    In the cities, public spaces such as malls, open crowded gathering areas and events, and non-restricted areas of transport infrastructures constitute “soft targets”, that is potential, numerous targets spread across the urban area and subject to “low cost” attacks strongly impacting the citizens.
    The ever advancement of Smart City technologies, particularly with the proliferation of IoT Technologies, City infrastructure, operations and services are being transformed at unprecedented rates and scales. While these emerging technologies are bringing increased operational efficiencies, smart city infrastructure is also vulnerable to new threats and attacks on soft targets and crowded city open spaces.

    S4AllCities seeks to change this.

    Find out more at

    The project has received funding from
    the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme
    under grant agreement No. 883522

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