European Projects

NEUEYT – Youth Digital Participation


    Novel Framework for democratic participation and Engagement of Underrepresented European Youngsters NEUEYT project aims at developing a Framework of blended initiatives for the enforcement of active citizenship and democratic participation among youngsters 16-20, particularly underrepresented in policy-making decisions, with regard to those living in remote/rural areas.
    Special attention will be given to the digital approach of the newly developed participation processes to reduce the gap among the invisible youth.
    In order to achieve that and to promote this result, the project will start collecting the excellences of e-democracy in Europe identifying their features, it will create 4 core initiatives in the above-mentioned common Framework and test them at the partner country level, thus already activating youth and putting them in relation with policymakers. Finally, the project will edit Recommendations/guidelines for policymakers and stakeholders to valorize the democratic initiatives of youth. An international laboratory and the mobility of youngsters and policymakers will support, through engagement, the quality impact of the deliverables. The tested framework will be finetuned for future sustainability and transferability.
    The methodology focuses on the active involvement of youngsters and policymakers in the activities in local communities, thus engaging them from the research to the piloting, from the development of the policy recommendation to the feedback given to the initiatives of the framework. Action research, co-creation, and community development principles will guide this approach. The website will serve as an e-democracy platform for youngsters in communities, while video prom, podcast, radio programs, blended engagement events, and social media will support the strong dissemination and awareness-raising campaign.
    The partnership involves 6 countries (IT, GR, CY, NMK, FR, NO) and gathers public (local and regional) as well as private bodies (international nets, youth Associations, and NGOs), all involved in youth empowerment and policymaking.

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