European Projects




    The INDEPENDENT project will define, deliver and pilot a digital infrastructure supporting coordinated cross-sector delivery of timely support to prevent older people from slipping out of safe independent living, maintaining quality of life. The infrastructure enables support services to overcome limitations of sectoral telehealth and telecare and empowers informal carers and the voluntary / third sector to participate in delivery of support, thus radically improving efficiency. ICT use is extended from the high needs end to a stage where not care but preventative support is needed. “People” services for Daily Living and Activation (DALS) and Continued Wellness (CWS) break open current ‘silos’ in service delivery to cross-sectoral cooperation and participation of family and voluntary staff. The architecture recognises that integration of consumer and other widely available devices must be achieved and open interface standards adopted.


    Through INDEPENDENT and EU in 2011, Telecare services were upgraded  in the Municipality of Trikala for the elderly and chronic patients were aided with the use of new technologies and in particular:

    An Electronic Health Record was created and the demographic and medical data of the Open Day Care Centers were recorded

    The existing telephone line for psychological support was replaced into new sessions of psychological support using videophone. The Telesessions with the patients took place by qualified psychologists. The patients were selected by clinical criteria set by the project team.

    INDEPENDENT made ​​substantial improvements in procedures for health and social solidarity in the elderly and patients with chronic diseases, using new technologies.

    The project was successfully finished in May 2013, while services continue to be used by Mobile Mental Health Units.


    Visit Ιndependent website

    “The INDEPENDENT project is partially funded under the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme by the European Community” (link to the ICT PSP website:

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