European Projects


    HORIZON-MISS-2022-CIT-01-01, Topic: “Designing inclusive, safe, affordable and sustainable urban mobility”

    • Duration: June 2023 –November 2026
    • 12 Living Labs
    • 38 partners


    1.Mobility has direct impact on safety, resilience and sustainability of communities, cities, and regions as well as on citizens’ quality of life.
    2.Smart mobility planning must reflect the views and needs of their users in parallel with the relevant stakeholders’ plans including ‘vulnerable to exclusion ’ groups and going beyond the usual performed analyses that consider age, gender, and forms of disability.
    3.Innovation highly depends on each city’s socioeconomic and technological context.
    4.Social participation, co-creation, acceptance and adoption in urban developments, should be complemented by a clear need of mature and established collaboration and knowledge sharing between the EU cities with diverse characteristics, regional development and technical maturity.

    ELABORATOR will:

    • Provide methodologies, practical tools, recommendations, and guidelines to support urban planners, industry, authorities and policy makers in defining and introducing safe, sustainable and inclusive urban mobility in our lives based on the new EU Urban Mobility Framework and Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission
    • Involve ALL in the design, implement and evaluation phases of innovations
    • Provide local authorities with foresights onto future offers to test and adjust upcoming policies
    • Define and apply a twinning methodology to establish strong bonds and collaborations between the project’s diverse European cities and several EU initiatives to create a knowledge hub between them in a built-in learning cycle, with extensive tools for analysing and exchanging experience within the whole project duration and beyond
    • Increase the speed of the take-up and up-scaling of innovative, best practice and replicable safe, affordable and sustainable urban mobility solutions in a European level towards fulfilment of the EU Zero Pollution Action Plan’s objectives, the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy and the Road Safety Policy Framework for 2021-2030


    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101103772.

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