European Projects

City GIS



    The Geographical Information System (G.I.S.) refers to a digital guide that is offered to citizens through the use of the internet (specific portal) or their mobile phones. The Municipality of Trikala has digitized the street maps of the relevant areas and has recorded important urban planning data in every city block.

    Administration data of the Municipality of Trikala are:

    Urban Plan of the Municipality

    Zones of Town Planning Mechanisms

    Property values

    Areas expansion plan

    Land per building block

    Municipality Points of Interest

    Planning sections of the municipality

    Structure factor per building block

    Benefits of the system

    Towars the competent authorities:

    1. Support informed decisions
    2. Support planning and implementation of urban settings
    3. Systematic and effective management of requests from citizens and business licensing

    Towards the citizen and the enterprises

    1. Unfettered and selective access to objective, informed and factual information from the internet, on the current and planned arrangements

    2.Receive information on completed and planned projects, the number of issued licenses, the available municipal and private property.

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