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PRISSM 2nd Workshop, 10—11 November 2014

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2ο Workshop PRISSM, 10-11 Νοεμβρίου 2014


The 2nd Workshop of the project “PRISSM”, belonging to the European Program of Life Long Learning, Leonardo da Vinci, successfully took place during 10 and 11 November 2014 in the City Hall Conference Room in the Municipality of Trikala, Greece.

The goal of the workshop was to promote integration in the design and provision of social services in Local Authorities, through vocational training of municipal staff. During those two days, the basic integration principles were presented. Characteristic integration examples and the restructure of services towards the creation of integrated, more efficient and more prosperous services provided by the local authority were discussed.

2ο Workshop PRISSM, 10-11 Νοεμβρίου 2014

At the end of the first day, the Vice Mayor of Planning, Innovation, Development and Tourism, Mr Chrisostomos Kiritsis, along with representatives of the Municipal departments and e-Trikala SA staff, thoroughly discussed on the common planning and coordination of European Projects. During the second day, the presentation was focused on a specific form of integration, networks, which is expected to be thoroughly dealt by the Municipality over the next months. In specific, Mr Michalis Lappas presented the Municipal Volunteering Office, with the attribute of the person in Charge of the Office. Volunteers on running activities provided their feedback on this presentation and proposed new volunteering activities on several municipal departments. The coordination of the workshop was conducted by Mrs Christina Karamperi, Psychologist and trainer on the principles of integration.

Concluding, the 2-day workshop gave the opportunity to the municipal Departments and Services to be informed on the current municipal European Projects, to state their proposals for upgrading current services, creating new ones and identifying the role of volunteering throughout this process.



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